Time Domain
In time domain, the signal is represented as a function of time. The augmentations that are applied require the signal to be uploaded. For each augmentation following the signal upload and the completion of the required fields each process is executed in the background and the augmented signal is available for download. Also in each augmentation there is a link to the frequency domain where the user can at first generate the time/frequency representation or augmentation.
Frequency Domain
In frequency domain the user has the opportunity to create a spectogram,linear or mel, or the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients of a desired sound signal. The user can upload the signal or if the signal is already uploaded in the time domain the user is given the functionality not to upload it again. Then the generated spectogram or MFCC or another one of its choice, which has to be uploaded, can be treated as a two dimensional vector and be augmented.